We went to the Woodlands Mothers of Multiples Buy/Sell on the last Saturday in September and scored all kinds of baby booty. We filled, and I mean FILLED, the back of our pickup with all kinds of baby-pleasing stuff. It's funny how quickly you learn the names and functions of items you have never otherwise heard of- Diaper Champs, swaddlers, bouncey seats, Baby Bjorns... you get the idea. Well, maybe I'd heard of them, but I didn't know what was best, useless, or a complete waste of money. With the guidance of experienced friends and a well-thumbed through copy of Baby Bargains, we set out to get as much as we could manage. Brent's duty became merely carrying out the large items to the truck, while my mother-in-law shopped and I pointed out the next item on our list. Afterwards, I got to mark several things off my registry... 1 diaper champ, 2 full swings, 1 bouncer, bathtub, baby carrier, 1 Pack n Play, a Snap n Go stroller for 2, 1 activity mat, and more. What a bargain! And- I checked everything for recalls. Look at me, I'm so responsible.
The proud parents-to-be with their treasure:

Now all we need is everything else. We're expecting our cribs to be in at any time, and Brent just finished painting the nursery. He did the paneling job all by himself. He also did the painting. Way to go, B! It looks great. The yellow still came out a little on the high chroma side. I added about a quart and a half of white to pastel it up, but it only went so far. In my defense, it looks much better when the sun is up. You'd think I'd know how to pick the right color by now. I would probably shame my snazzy art school friends. Sorry y'all, we're not repainting. Forget about it.

On October 9th, which just happened to be our anniversary, we had an appointment and ultrasound to check our growth. The diet has been going well. I haven't gained a pound, since the babies' gains are apparently balancing out my losses. They are bigger, but they've slowed down on their growth curve, which is good since they were giants before. Baby A is supposedly 1 lb, 12 oz and Baby B is 1 lb, 15 oz. They're still a little large for twins, but they're closer to where we want them. After all, we want them to stay in there as long as possible! I'm also feeling the kicks much easier now. -It's been both fun and frightening to feel them roll around and punch at my organs.
After our appointment, we went to get steak and shrimp at Kirby's steakhouse. It was outstanding. Then we headed over to the Cheesecake Factory for celebratory cheesecake. Yes, I had sugar. And yes, the babies were thrilled. They started their usual acrobatics a little early that night. Oh yeah, and Brent wanted to take a stroll through Williams Sonoma on our way to the parking lot, which I thought to be a little out of character. I don't think he's ever been in Williams Sonoma. I found myself next to the Kitchen Aids, and I just happened to mention that it would be nice to have one of those someday. Suddenly Brent exclaimed,"Well Happy Anniversary! That's why I brought you here! You did say you wanted one, right?" Well that was unexpected, I have to say. I little random even. Yes, it's an appliance as an anniversary gift, but it's not like it's a washer and dryer or vacuum cleaner. (There was apparently some scolding on this subject.) It's much cooler than that. I am excited to be able to walk away from my cake batter or mashed potatoes while something else keeps doing the stirring for me. Heck, maybe I'll actually make mashed potatoes! Now I just have to pick the color.
Baby A wouldn't hold still for a good pic (unless you want to see yet another not so good hand or foot picture), so all I really have is 2 profile shots of Baby B. The tech took the first picture, and then saw him open his cute little mouth... it looks like he's blowing bubbles, but I've been told he's not. Part of what you see is his umbilical cord.