Monday, May 26, 2008
Thursday, May 22, 2008
5 Months Old Already!
I love this picture even though it's blurry...
Here's the kids at Easter. If you've ever so much as known anyone from Texas, you've probably heard about the obligatory spring bluebonnet pictures. Basically everyone's mother (including pet owners like myself) plop their little ones in the middle of a non-trampled patch of bluebonnets on the side of the road for a photography session. Hopefully no one gets stung by bees or bitten by fire ants. (Fire ants are a particularly bitter subject for me.) We usually cannot get by without someone getting grouchy due to the hot weather and dress clothes, but that weekend was somewhat mild and the day of the photos even pleasant. Plus they were babies and they can't complain yet!
Wow, time flies. Kate just learned how to roll over this week. Now all she wants to do is sleep on her tummy. Charlie has been doing so for about 2 weeks now. They're getting so big! Charlie is slower at gaining weight, but he is up to 11 lbs. 5 oz. Kate is our little dough girl at 11 lbs. 14.5 oz. Her little legs are still so cute! We just love our kiddos, but we're not without frustrating moments. The babies seem to be teething already. Combined with rolling over at night, Charlie especially likes to wake every 2-3 hours -again. We thought we were through with that. Oh well. Kate has all of a sudden decided to catch up to her brother in the physical department. She learned to lock her knees to stand, and we discovered that she LOVES to play giddyup. She giggles, squeals, and flaunts those adorable dimples! Charlie is catching up in the social department. He finally started really cooing and smiling all the time. He also gets jealous when we're only holding Kate, although his temper is nothing compared to hers. He can only roll to the left, and it's funny to watch him continue to roll way off his blanket in a heartbeat. He sits up on his elbows and scans the room. He's looking like a real little boy!
This is way overdue, and I'm getting harassed, so here goes... I thought I'd add a whole slew of pictures, since I haven't blogged much.
Easter Hats...
I've noticed some trends in our photos. Charlie always seems to be screaming, whereas Kate always seems to be swinging her fists...
Here's some of the visitors we've had...
Here's my cousins Jake & Jesse. We've always thought Charlie resembled my younger cousin, Jesse.
"Our Friends, The Farmers"... Yes, I know the fire truck picture has nothing to do with the kids, but I had to post it. I swear, there was no liquor involved here...
These are photos taken with family...
Our Family...
My Mom...
My Dad...
Allmon Family...
Home from the Hospital -Pics I never got around to posting...
Jimmy Dean with his new siblings-
Check out Charlie's skinny little knees!
Our first Christmas...
Me and little Jaundiced Charlie...
Auntie Charlotte...
Auntie Amy...
Cousins Meri & Coco...
Auntie Rachel...
Just for Fun!
Kate after her bath...
Charlie in the bath...
Charlie's Suave! Even with the drool on his face!
An example of Kate as a Spaz...
Kate in her preemie outfit... look at all the hair she had!
This is a cute, however blurry, pic of the kids from my point of view...
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