These are random photos from the holidays. The babies are no longer babies!
Charlie learned it was fun to brush his teeth at the sink. What a big boy! Look at how proud he is!
Kate did her part to decorate the Christmas tree... with her snack bowl. We found a used sippy cup on the tree the next day!
Kate poops out after a long day out and about. She is actually asleep on her face.
We decided to make cookies, which they loved! Now they want to make cookies all the time.
Charlie loves to imitate his Daddy. He found his Longhorns jersey, and attempted to put it on. What a handsome little man.
Kate sometimes likes to dress in her tutu. She's recently, much to my chagrin, become a fan of pink. She points her tiny finger at everything and verbally labels it as "pink." It does no good to argue with her. Again, I am predicting that she will be a difficult teen. Here she is brushing Jimmy Dean.
Sunday, January 3, 2010
The Tots are Two!
We had an Elmo themed party for the kiddos on their second birthday!
Charlie was tired after his nap, but he soon warmed up to the idea of a party when people started arriving.
Charlie loved his "Melmo cakes."
Kate thought they looked delicious. Unfortunately, though, she wasn't as excited as Charlie to dig in. (She doesn't like getting her fingers yucky.)
Charlie borrowed Kate's sunglasses and accessorized himself. Brent thought he looked like Felonious Monk.
Here the kids are drinking their juice with (what little) dinner they ate.
Here's the good stuff. Check out that cool dude.
Kate gave in to messiness, starting with Elmo's nose.
She also got a peek at Charlie D's goodie bag.
Kate enjoyed picking all of Mommy's roses before the party in her fairy wings.
By the end of the evening, Katie was pooped out and asking to go "night, night" on Mommy & Daddy's bed.
Overall, it was a good birthday with great friends. Thanks to all! We love you!
Posted by
10:27 PM
The kids dressed as Pebbles and Bam-Bam for Halloween this year! They enjoyed the holiday much more since they've discovered candy! Charlie spent the entire evening running a baby doll stroller up and down driveways. He could've cared less about the actual collecting of candy. Kate ate hers while we trick-or-treated.
Posted by
10:23 PM
Christmas Pics
We went to Market Street to see Santa. The kids weren't too sure about him at first, until he offered them candy... We then dropped and ran, just like last year. The screaming commenced, and as we stepped back, we realized Charlie had chocolate all over his mouth and fingers. Santa's poor gloves. He was a great Santa, though. The kids played peek-a-boo with him afterward.
We walked over to the Market Street park to see if we could get any Christmas card worthy photos. Of course, I didn't send any, but I got some cute pics anyway.
Charlie on a weird donkey statue. (The statues in Market Street don't really make any sense to me, but he liked this one.)
Posted by
10:15 PM