Monday, July 9, 2007

Times Two

Yes, we're having twins!! We are very excited and appropriately nervous! I finally got around to scanning ultrasounds for your perusal. The first one is from pretty early on at almost 4 weeks. It pretty much just looks like 2 little holes on the screen. We were relieved there weren't 3! Seriously. At our 6 week ultrasound (not pictured), we could make out heartbeats! The following ultrasounds, though, are much more interesting. At 9 weeks, we could make out limbs, brains, fingers, and feet! One of our resident fetuses (or foeti as I like to call them now) began kicking towards the other! I was actually disappointed to find out that sibling rivalry hadn't begun, since these movements are still involuntary. The other 2 ultrasounds show them at 9 weeks. BTW, they are fraternal twins with separate placentas, so they could turn out to be the same sex or a boy-girl combo. We'll see...

I've started in with the nausea thing mostly in the last 2 weeks or so. (Week 11 and 12 for those of you who follow such things.) Not much vomiting yet -thank God! I just eat about every 2 hours to head off the queasiness! My face started swelling a little last week, and my middle has been expanding for about 2-3 weeks. I'll reluctantly take some pics of myself in the next few days to post for your scrutiny. Keep watching for the next post!
(You can click on the pictures to enlarge.)


Unknown said...

Shannon, this is awesome. Thanks for the website. Can't wait for next posting.
Joyce, Grandmother to Be

Anonymous said...

So cute! You're chalk full 'a baby parts!! :o)