Wednesday, July 18, 2007


Ok, so I don't have much to say until after Tuesday, when we have our next appointment. I'm feeling tired and so ready for the rain to take a breather. I'm apparently sensitive to the mold in the air. Post nasal drip does not play well with nausea. Other than that, things are going well. The babies are about 4 inches long now, and I am starting to be more uncomfortable at night. I think one is sitting at such an angle that my left side hurts to lay on. Oh well, right side it is.

Brent and I actually attempted to go register for baby goods the other day. We went through the whole registration process at Babies R Us only to become overwhelmed and scan nothing. "Do we want a Pack N Play with a bassinet and changer, or do we want the deluxe model with wheels, shelves, music, and the whole nine yards?" "I dunno. It only holds 30 lbs and 1 child at once -why does that sound like a good idea?" You should have seen us at the strollers. We tried to be very smooth as we found the matching car seats and tried to lock them into the stroller seats. "Tried" being the operative word. We needed the help of a professional. In our defense, we were mostly there looking for crib ideas, since Brent wants to build them. We did, however, register for one goody. It's more of a joke, really. I'll let you figure it out on your own. I promise we'll add more before a shower comes along -I'll just drag my middle sis along with me to tell me what I need. Anywho, after the baby store, we shook it off, regained our composure, and Brent led the way to look for something more masculine- a minivan.

Oh yeah, I received this lovely image which could only have been done with the Photoshop skillz of one Dan Z. Thanks, man.

Now, this has nothing to do with babies, unless you consider our dog the biggest baby of all. And you should.
Jimmy Dean the courageously cowardly dog brought me a present last night. I let him out to do his doody. I was brushing my teeth when I heard a strange, low shrieking noise outside. I knew he'd found something. He's been obsessively hunting lizards and skinks since the rain has died down. (He's caught 2 very large, coppery scaled skinks by the way.) This noise, however, was not something uttered by the skink- that I knew of. Possum? Probably not, in the past when JD's carried them around they've played dead. Rabbit? Don't think so. I opened the back door to call him in, no response. I flashed the porch light (he's terrified of lightning), and he rushed excitedly around the corner -with a baby mockingbird struggling in his smiling mouth. Yes, he was smiling. He dropped it when I told him to, but it was too late. I could find no sign of punctures, but all it really takes is Jimmy's "squirrel toy shake" to do the deed. Poor little mockingbird. JD on the other hand was very proud of himself. I had to give him a treat. He's such a restless little hunter, and at least he hadn't eat it-yet. I'll keep you posted on Jim's feats as well. Oh yeah, and I won't say how, but both the possum story and this one somehow involved a BB gun... Actually, now that I think about it, that same BB gun appears in a lot of stories about this new house. Interesting...

Here's a couple of pics of the Ferocious Jimmy Dean (Yes, that's a cat bed.) I also added a pic of the late KC the cat. We had to put her to sleep last month due to kidney failure. She was almost 20 years old. I miss her furry little feet.

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